Saturday, October 27, 2012

Skin Rejuvenation

How to tell aging skin? As one ages, there are tell tale signs of skin aging on the face. The following are those signs: Fine lines, thin skin and wrinkles Pigmentary changes e.g. solar lentigo, white marks Vascular changes e.g. telangiectasia, cherry angioma Skin cancers e.g. basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma What is skin rejunvenation? Skin rejuvenation basically is to improve the skin condition to minimise the aging signs of the skin. Of course, if there are any of the above, the problems should be treated accordingly. We will assess the skin and give appropriate advice. However, if there is no major problem like nos 2 to 4 (tell tale signs of skin aging), then skin rejuvenation programme can be advised. The considerations...

Body Contouring

ICE-SHOCK-LIPOLYSIS Fat cells are known to be uniquely sensitive to extreme cold. Exposing fat cells to extreme cooling for a stipulated time period can reduce the thickness of fat under the skin. Proshockice is a non-invasive device that gets rid of localized fat and fibrous cells. It employs patented, safe technologies known as “ice-shock-lipolysis” and “shock therapy”, in which excess cellulite and adipose cells are eliminated without causing harm to surrounding tissues through a controlled cooling process and acoustic shockwaves. The dead fat cells are then expelled by the body’s natural metabolic processes. Why Proshockice? Being a painless and non-invasive procedure, Proshockice allows patients to undergo fat reduction procedures...

Facial Spa Therapy

We have various programmes for the following: Acne - We have customized packages to clear comedones, acne that include combination of products, facial treatments and machines including ultrasonic cleaning, Iclear blue light or lasers. Pigmentation – We have various programmes including the popular AFA peel or the Claypeel version. Of course we also have the Cosmelan and Dermalelan Peel (for deeper and darker pigment problems). All the programmes can include ultrasonic cleansers or Parisan peel, ionotophoresis or lasers or limelight. Rejunvenation – There are many programmes range from Signature Red Light Rejunvenation programme to 3D Rejunvenation. All the rejunvenation programmes come with various machines depending on the recommendation...

Chemical Peels

What is Chemical Peel? The use of chemical peels, termed chemoexfoliation, to rejuvenate skin is one of the most powerful tools available to facial plastic surgeons. The concept of using a chemical agent to resurface the skin for purposes of improved appearance dates as far back as ancient times. In fact, it has been reported that Cleopatra routinely bathed in sour goat's milk to help beautify her skin. Unbeknownst to her, the lactic acid contained in the milk was the active ingredient providing her with a rejuvenating peel. The modern era of chemical peeling began at the turn of the century when George Miller MacKee, a dermatologist, began using phenol to treat facial scars. Currently, a number of categories of chemical peeling agents...

Botox & Fillers

What is Botox? Botox is the brand name of one type of Botulinium toxin A (other serotypes are B, C, D, E, F and G) produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Dr Alan Scott was the first to develop botulinum toxin type A and conducted trials in monkeys for strabismus. He later sold the toxin to Allergan. In 1970s and 1980s, the first clinical applications were for treating blepharospasm & strabismus. It all started in 1990 when Dr Jean Carruthers discovered the disappearance of fine lines around the eyes when Botox was used for therapy of muscle spasm around the eyes. Over the years, it has spread to other clinical aesthetic applications. How does it work? Basically, the toxins block the nerve endings in the muscles, thus causing...

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