Saturday, October 27, 2012

Facial Spa Therapy

We have various programmes for the following:

Acne - We have customized packages to clear comedones, acne that include combination of products, facial treatments and machines including ultrasonic cleaning, Iclear blue light or lasers.

Pigmentation – We have various programmes including the popular AFA peel or the Claypeel version. Of course we also have the Cosmelan and Dermalelan Peel (for deeper and darker pigment problems). All the programmes can include ultrasonic cleansers or Parisan peel, ionotophoresis or lasers or limelight.

Rejunvenation – There are many programmes range from Signature Red Light Rejunvenation programme to 3D Rejunvenation. All the rejunvenation programmes come with various machines depending on the recommendation of the doctor.

Doctor’s Signature Chemical Peels (Generally 3 peels at the interval of 3 weeks are recommended to see best result) – We have 3 main programmes under this category:

  • Acne – Quick Fix : This consists of a customized chemical peeling by the doctor. You should see immediate result in terms of resolution of the acne lesions and significant reduction of oil and drying up of the comedones. Of course, one needs the relevant products at home to sustain the improvement.
  • Glow – Fast Glow: The doctor will apply different chemical peels to enhance the “whitening’ effect on the face. There is usually a slight stinging sensation immediately after the peel. This follows up with our signature whitening mask. It would be better to use the LS formula products to continue the whitening effect of the peel.
  • Rejunvenate – Anti-Aging: This would help to reduce fine lines, age spots and improve the texture of the skin. You would expect reduction of pores too. This is followed by our signature Collagen mask. Of course, it would be best if you continue to use our anti-wrinkle creams/products to enhance the effect.
If interested to find out more, you are most welcome to enquire by just calling us for an appointment.


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