Saturday, October 27, 2012

Botox & Fillers

What is Botox?

Botox is the brand name of one type of Botulinium toxin A (other serotypes are B, C, D, E, F and G) produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Dr Alan Scott was the first to develop botulinum toxin type A and conducted trials in monkeys for strabismus. He later sold the toxin to Allergan. In 1970s and 1980s, the first clinical applications were for treating blepharospasm & strabismus. It all started in 1990 when Dr Jean Carruthers discovered the disappearance of fine lines around the eyes when Botox was used for therapy of muscle spasm around the eyes. Over the years, it has spread to other clinical aesthetic applications.

How does it work?

Basically, the toxins block the nerve endings in the muscles, thus causing paralysis. However, over time, the effect wears off and the muscles work again. This usually takes about 3 to 4 months. However, repeated injections of botox in the same area may prolong the ‘effect’ because of the so called “paralysis” of the muscles by the botox effect.

Who are the ‘right’ aesthetic candidates?

Anyone with no medical history of muscle weakness like myasthenia gravis, certain motor neuron conditions and those who are allergic to Botulinum Toxins . Pregnant women are not advised to be given botox.

What to ask before injections?

To ask Medical history and to avoid aspirins, NSAIDs, gingko biloba, Vitamin E 7 days prior to injection.

What to expect?

It is a relatively painless and quick procedures. The doctor will assess the region and give the number of injections accordingly. The experience will surface as it is the art of giving the injections besides knowing the science behind it. The botox injections can be combined with various aesthetic procedures to enhance the result. E.g. fillers and botox, titan and botox..

What can be improved with Botox?

Dynamic Lines – Horizontal Forehead lines, glabella, crows feet, Brow lift/shaping, Bunny lines, Nasal Flares, perioral lines, marionette lines (sad lines), mental crease, Dimpled chin.
Face contouring
Lifting e.g. Nefertiti Contour Lift
Intradermal/Micro Botox – to improve skin texture, tightening effect, pore size reduction and control oil.
Excessive Sweat control of hands
Calf Contouring
Others - Migraine

What precautions after injections?

Generally no special precautions except common sense approach. Wash area gently and not to massage or scrub for 3 days. It is good to move the muscles in the area for the first 3 hours to ‘distribute’ the botulinium toxin. If possible, avoid facials, sauna and any pressure around the area injected for the first week.

Is it safe?

This has been debated for a long time. Although it was reported that there were some deaths related to botox injections. All the cases are related to medical conditions like dystonia that requires very high dose of botox. In aesthetic practice, the amount given is very much smaller. Besides occasional headaches, bruises and swellings at the injection sites, there are no serious side effects reported.

It is not good to inject because once you start injecting and if you stop, you will look worse than before, is it true?

This is definitely NOT TRUE that once you stop injecting, the lines will ‘deterioriate’ and you will look worse than before. If you stop, the area will go back like before and the dynamic lines will appear. Tthe common observation is that after a few botox injections, the effect appear to last longer.

How do I start?

You are welcome to call us or email us for further information. All you need to do is at least call us and find out more.


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